
The clock is ticking and there are only so many hours in the day. No matter how hard you push, your progress might appear to grind to a halt today. But don't worry because everything is likely still on course. Success is just going to take a little longer than you originally expected. Use the extra time to review your plans and fine-tune them however you can. Ultimately, your additional preparation makes you even more productive when the pace picks up in the days ahead.


Your big plans for the future might seem daunting now as you think about how long it will take to reach your destination. You are fully committed to succeeding in your endeavors, but need to apply yourself more diligently than you ever imagined. Although it sounds counter-intuitive, find time to kick back and chill today while you still have the chance. You may be happily surprised how much a little rest and relaxation revitalizes your attitude and lifts your spirits.


Your life may resemble a three-ring circus these days but that's typically how you like it. Nevertheless, the Moon's hyperactivity in your 3rd House of Distractions might be a bit too much noise, even for you. Your juggling act looks like a lot of fun until you don't complete your work in a timely manner, tumbling your illusory house of cards. Luckily, even a minor setback could ultimately work in your favor if you take the changes in stride. A true professional knows the show must go on.


You recently made a promise that you thought was beneficial for your career but you might begin to doubt your own wisdom today. Nevertheless, you're willing to follow through with your commitments, even if you're not as certain about the outcome. Fortunately, your tentative nature serves you well if you take time to consider alternatives now. You might happily discover a better way to reach your destination or you will be more self-assured as you continue on your chosen path. In either case, stretching your horizons and exploring all your options makes good sense when it comes to professional matters.


Life seems like an exciting jousting tournament today and you're anxious for the match to begin. Unfortunately, the rules of engagement aren't necessarily clear and your opponent hasn't even been identified. It's like you're Don Quixote, ready to fight figments of your imagination. But you don't have to create problems where there are none. Instead of seeing reality as something to defeat, channel your aggression into manifesting a more positive future.


You aren't as interested in getting everything perfect as you are in having fun today. However, you don't want anyone to know that you're willing to compromise your work ethic for the opportunity to take a walk on the wild side. Luckily, your chances of pulling off a little escapade are supported by a rebellious Moon-Uranus trine while the emphasis on your 12th House of Privacy provides you with an invisibility cloak. The key to winning your freedom now is to fly under the radar while chasing your dreams.


You may be unnecessarily self-critical now because you want to make the best impression possible on your associates. You are willing to put in extra hours today if you believe your actions will demonstrate your cooperative attitude. No matter how admirable your intentions are, there's a limit to what you can do. Treat the current situation at work like a game of chess; contemplating your next move is a smarter strategy than simply reacting spontaneously. In the meantime, cut yourself some slack. As the Dalai Lama said, "Love is the absence of judgment."