About Me

That from my very childhood i was curious, to know as to what this world is and what our relationships exists, with it, this very thought inspired me to think deeply and inspired me to study secrecies of nature. Accordingly i begin to work on it.

It is historically clear that many ancient culture of world like Greeks, Babylon, Hadappa etc have thrown light over it and proved that our life on this planet is governed and fully control by a unknown power and various natural phenomena taking place all the time in the sky.

As for as the stars are concerned it is a truth that SUN, MOON, SATURN & JUPITER are the main stars to control our activities on the Earth. My curiosity to know this various phenomena prompted me to know secrets and read the science of the stars called ASTROLOGY.

I am thankful to my Honorable Spiritual GURU Pratah Samarniye Late Pt. Shri 1008 VISHNU DUTT DIXIT, Varanasi(U.P.) India. Who acquainted me with various secrecies of nature and this Occult Science.

Controlling Human Life on Earth even after it to obtain SATISFACTION my curiosity Increased day-by-day to know this Science and I continued to know as much as possible.

I did my Astrological Training form my GURU and courses from INDIAN INSTITUTE OF ASTROLOGY AND VASTU from Kolkata and also accompanied with various Spiritual Personalities in this field.

In association with BHARTIYE DHARAM SANGH (BY DHARAM SAMARATH SHRI SWAMI KARPATRI JI "famous shri vidya scholar/practioner" varanasi, India) and had an opportunity to learn secret of his science.

I have spent my valuable 15 YEARS time to study the movement of star's and its situations in related the above datas and 'thousand of people got relief from my advice'. They are happy and lead a normal life.

I had clients all over the globe which are majorly from the abroad countries like U.S., specifically from canada, Alexendria, Montreal etc etc places. My native place is Varanasi(U.P) India which is known for Kashi Vishweshwar Jyotirlinga which is 1 of the 12 Jyotirlinga's of Lord Shiva.

About Astrology

Astrology(science of star's) consist the entire data of men's life, it is said that when god created this earth and human life begin he also felt the need of a science as to how men will pacify their sorrow's and know the coming calamities of future to enable lead a better life, this knowledge is therefore called Astrology. Controling human life astrology is a guide which safe guard's a men from coming calamities and regulate their life for better future. Considering all this above my research in the field revealed that since our life depends on the moments and situations of various stars in the sky how we can help ourself to regulate our future activites immediately and has also been expressed in NARADA PURAN and other ANCIENT SCRIPTS.


Studies have revealed that we can correctly diagnose the situation of men's life if following data are made available.

  • Date of Individual's Birth and Name (DATE OF BIRTH & NAME)
  • Precise time he/she is born in (TIME OF BIRTH)
  • Place where he/she is born (PLACE OF BIRTH)
If your above details are correct. We can tell you about your every aspect of life. For Example
When to Purchase the Property
When to Purchase the House
When to Start the Business
Type of Business would Suits You
Fortunate Direction
Fortunate Time
Fortunate Time to Purchase Vehicle
About your Future Groom/Bride
Family Zodiac Signs
Family Numbers
Selection of Friends
When to Start Your Journey
About Foreign Trips
About Profession
Type of Profession would Suits You
About Your Love Life
About Your Married Life
Right Time to File a Legal Document
Chances of Winning a Legal Fight
Right Time To Marry
Ways to Improve Business

About Gemstones

Astrology also provide the various nature of stones to be used to pacify your difficulties in case of bad stars to obtain relief in adverse periods. These various Authentic valuable stones

  • Ruby
  • Pearl
  • Coral
  • Emerald
  • Yellow Sapphire
  • Diamond
  • Blue Sapphire
  • Hessonite
  • Cat eye

They are easily available in our Organisation where the ratans are already sanctified by learned pandits of SHRI VIDHYA JYOTISH SANSTHAAN. These are supplied against order and payment procedure through our feedback form on our contact page. You will get the reply within 24hrs of working days. We shall contact you as soon as possible as we get your feedback/order.